The util JS SDK contains a method to create tables based on a definition object, it handles all the interactions with


Set Up

When call mydigitalstructure.init() set viewAssemblySupport: true - this will add the 'util-view-table' to the app.controller.

Reference at least;
- mydigitalstructure-3.0.0.js
- mydigitalstructure.util-3.0.4.js

Get from github:


mydigitalstructure._util.controller.invoke({name: 'util-view-table'}, options)


Generally describe using mydigitalstructure object & parameters (param).

- orientation;
-- 'vertical' - scrolls down the screen with Show More.
-- 'horizontal' - uses pages to go across the screen;
--- if progressive:true it is similar to 'vertical' in that it progressively gets more pages as use click 'more',
--- if progressive:false then shows all the pages and use can work their way through them as thye wish.

- columns:
-- 'param' - used to generate the advancedsearch.
-- 'format' - a function to format the data
-- 'sortBy' - is column sortable?
-- 'class' - css class
-- 'html' - any html you want you can use the {{}} templating tagging. Tags are any 'param' or 'name'.
-- 'method' - use to do custom data
-- 'data' - a data attributes to add to the column html

- 'row' - use this to set defaults if no column propery
-- 'class' - css class
-- 'data' - a data attributes to add to the column html

If you want to retrieve data to use in a custom function - then just set 'param'.

- options;
-- 'containerController' - if this is set it will add a "shadow" row that can then by shown with say an edit button via a bootstrap toggle.
-- 'noDataText' - if no data show this text is shown
-- 'count' - if you set this it will be used instead of getting the total count from mydigitalstructure
-- 'countPagesAtStart' - if setting 'count' you can set the number pages to show at the start - if not present it defaults to 10.



js Util SDK

